One often hears the remark “Well Science has proven that…”. This has always sounded very strange to me. Is Science a living thing? How can it prove something if it’s not living? Science without a living being is as dead as any piece of matter. So that’s why this statement is strange, it gives people the idea that Science is some kind of living thing, a kind of inexorable dictator that says it as it is. Well that is not the case.
Everything we do in life concerns knowledge. Some understanding of the subject is required to accomppish anything with it.
If we broaden this outlook we see that in essence life is about knowledge! When you know something well you can excel at it. Also you are less likely to become effect of it.
One lesson I have learned through the years, and have needed to re-learn at some points is a lesson that I feel could change the face of innovation in the software industry.
Unfortunately schooling these days teaches a pupil to depend on authority, to depend on other peoples evaluations and ideas. These ‘other’ people are supposed to be ‘authorities’. They are supposed to be the ones to follow etcetera. They look, observe and evaluate and then tell us what we need to do! So what they sell is second hand observation and even riskier second hand evaluation of data.